Hey guys how are things going? Sounds like Dad is
still suffering from all the estrogen in the house right now. Sorry for
abandoning you Dad. Don't worry before you know it we'll be golfing and
skiing together...that's if you're still a man after all that time with
the girls. Mom to answer your question about my new area, it just depends. It's actually
more farm-like than city. There is a city part here in Atlixco, but if
you get out of town it's pure fields and stuff. We live closer to
the edge of town, so we have a lot of members in more of a normal
residential part, and then we also have a few pueblos in our area too.
It's like a perfect mix between my two first areas. It's cool I like it. Wow that's crazy to hear about Taylor Hyde!!
He is already done. I do remember thinking that he had a year when I
Anyway I'll let you know a little bit about this
week. We have been doing a lot of getting to know members and the area
like you said Dad. That's what we have to get down well first, because
we don't knock on doors. We have actually been receiving a lot of
referrals from the members here. Like I said before we have some little
towns kinda far away from where we live and everything, and so we also
have made some visits there. We did some service in a little town called
Castillotla and it reminded me so much of Atexcac!! We also have some
really really rich gated areas in our area too. We have an investigator
family in one of them really close to where we live and both the parents
are Doctors, one already retired. They are great, and go to church a
lot. We just need to help them with some doubts and they'll get
baptized. Also, we went with President Lopez (our counselor to Pres.
Reeves and also our neighbor here Atlixco) to the gated area called "El
Cristo" which is super nice! Huge houses and a nice country club golf
course and everything. We taught some friends of Pres. Lopez and they
are GOLDEN! There is a lot of work to do and I'm excited.
Just so you know, there really isn't any notable
volcano issues. Nobody is really that uptight about it at all.
Apparently they have a green, yellow, and red system to indicate how
active the volcano is. Right now it's in yellow and has been since the
90's. So don't worry. I love you family. I was thinking about all of you
during sacrament meeting this week, and I'll have to say, I really miss
you guys. There are moments like that for sure, but it's normal. I love
and miss each and every one of you. Do what matters most and stay
strong in the Church and close to the Savior. Until next week,
Con Amor,
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