(haha! That means Hello family...how are you? IN TONGAN!!) I'm trying to learn some Tongan because I've had so many Tongan companions! Man I really want to go to Tonga someday. To see the beautiful island and to see all my Tongan missionary companions.. Man what would be a dream come true is if someday I was able to go on a long cruise around the South Pacific Islands. Like go to Niue again and Tonga and all the other beautiful islands, maybe some day....
Well anyways how are ya all doing?! Sounds like winter is coming up soon...you'll all be going skiing and snowboarding in no time while I am soaking up the hot sun in New Zealand. Thanks for the E mail this week! It was great and it sounds like a lot of cool things have happened since the last week we e mailed each other. It was really fun to read all the cool things you all have been up to! Well your son clear across the world is doing great! Just still loving his mission so much. I just absolutely LOVE it! Its just the most priceless and amazing thing to watch someone find out that their a child of God and that He loves him. That He has a plan for them and that we can return back into His loving arms. Its so incredible to teach people how to pray for the first time in their life and watch them receive answers to their prayers...it really is the best thing in the world. I know I'm helping to save souls and helping them come unto their Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Man dad I always laugh when I read about your business trips :D haha. I read them to my companion and the other missionaries and they think your job is the coolest. Your one lucky guy dad. I'm glad you had a great time in LA. You asked about the weather...its getting better. Some days its nice and warm and others its pretty cold still. I think its a lot warmer in Auckland but Rotorua is more south. And during our leadership training we didn't go back and forth from Auckland to Rotorua, we stayed at a missionary flat up in Auckland. My clothes are doing good. My suits are still in good condition, my shoes are too except one pair is starting to wear out a little. I haven't really gained any weight...I think I've gained a little. It seems like I gain more weight here in NZ than in Niue. I'm glad Grandpa and Grandma are doing good. Tell them I love them...and I'm still really excited to get that gun when I get off my mission, and Grandpa will have to take me out on his boat when I get home.
Wow that surprise trip you took the girls on Mom sounds really cool. You are such a wonderful mom....you always do such nice and awesome things for us when you don't even have to. I hope Jami had a great birthday and I'm sure she was excited about the St George trip! It sounds awesome. I bet Marissa was very surprised too! Man I miss them...did you ever give my e mail address to Kylie?! I want to e mail her sometime....I feel really bad I haven't written her a letter yet. If she could e mail me next week or something that would be awesome. I'm sure Jami and Kaylee loved that horse racing movie...its probably their favorite movie now and Jami probably wants to be a horse racer now haha :) I know her. Well yeah please tell me when Grandpa and Grandma Ellsworth get their mission call!! I'm really excited for them! What if they came to NZ again?? haha jk but that would be crazy. I haven't heard from Cam ...we technically cant e mail other missionaries at least in our mission and I want to be exactly obedient so I cant e mail him. James sends me a email every week (well its one he sends to everyone) but I never can reply to him. What...Issac is getting married?! CRAZY!! WOW that was a big shock he has only been home not long at all. He didn't wait at all...I think I have only met Melanie a couple of times. But that's awesome...please tell him Congrats and I'm so happy for him.
Well my week was great! Elder 'Afa is doing wonderful. I just love to hear his testimony and his conversion experience whenever he shares it when we teach our investigators. He is adapting to mission life really well. Its completely different than anything he is used to because this is his first time off the island of Tonga. Well seriously we are just seeing so many miracles from God. It is amazing. He is preparing so many of his children for baptism. This week we set two more people for baptism. We were teaching our fairly new investigator name Timi and Elder Afa said the spirit told him to ask him to be baptized so he did and he said yes...it really was a amazing experience. Then just the other day we had met this friend of Duchans (the guys we just baptized) hes name is Horece and he had been to our church before. It was the first time we had ever seen him and the spirit told me to ask him to be baptized so I did and he said yes. WOW! miracles after miracles. Ive never seen so many in my whole mission. It really is just amazing. We are also teaching a lot of other people that are progressing very well and that we might set soon. We are teaching a TON of investigators. The Lord just keeps giving them to us. I know its because we are qualifying by being exactly obedient and having faith. I seriously am working so hard. I love it so much. This is definitely the best thing I've ever done in my entire life. Oh yeah this past Friday Lydia and Gerald got married!! We went and it was just the best feeling to see them get married and to know you were a part of helping them obey the commandments of God. It was a beautiful wedding, they got married in the chapel and the bishop married them. Wow it was such a humble wedding. They don't have a lot of money and so they had their little reception in the garage. They didn't get baptized because we found out Gerald is still on probation for being in jail and he has to wait for a couple of months. But I don't even care because I know they'll be baptized someday. Well Kylie and Jessica are all ready to be baptized this week. I'm really excited. Its just so amazing to be a part of helping them change their life and help them come unto the true gospel.
Well I got to go now. I know I only get to e mail for a little bit but I try to write a lot so you guys have some cool things to read and know about my mission. Well I really do love each and every one of you so much. You mean everything to me. ...man I miss you all so much, but your always in my heart and mind. I pray for you all the time. Have a wonderful week family. Thanks for everything...and I will try and send some pictures soon so you can see all the other Niue pictures and some of the NZ ones.
Love Elder Kitchen
Happy heart day
We love you too!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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Elder Kitchens companions
Tehuacan (5/14/2014) to (8/6/2014) Elder Conrad from Draper, Utah
Nealtican (4/2/2014) to (5/14/2014) Elder Christensen from Denver, Colorado
Nealtican (2/19/2014) to (4/2/2014) Elder Sanchez from Chiapas, Mexico
Puebla (1/8/2014) to (2/19/2014) Elder Dzul from Cancun, Mexico
Puebla (10/15/2013) to (1/8/2014) Elder Betts from Mexi-Cali Baja California, Mexico
Atlixco (7/23/2013) to (10/14/2013) Elder Ortega from Nayarit, Mexico
Puebla (3/19/2013) to (7/22/2013) Elder Burden from Snowflake, Arizona
Puebla (2/19/2013) to (3/18/2013) Elder Knowlton from Springville, Utah
Atexcac (1/8/2013) to (2/18/2013) Elder Olvera from San. Luis Potosi, Mexico
Atexcac (10/16/2012) to (1/7/2013) Elder Tinoco from Dorango, Mexico
MTC (8/15/2012) to (10/15/2012) Elder Astle from Northern California
Nealtican (4/2/2014) to (5/14/2014) Elder Christensen from Denver, Colorado
Nealtican (2/19/2014) to (4/2/2014) Elder Sanchez from Chiapas, Mexico
Puebla (1/8/2014) to (2/19/2014) Elder Dzul from Cancun, Mexico
Puebla (10/15/2013) to (1/8/2014) Elder Betts from Mexi-Cali Baja California, Mexico
Atlixco (7/23/2013) to (10/14/2013) Elder Ortega from Nayarit, Mexico
Puebla (3/19/2013) to (7/22/2013) Elder Burden from Snowflake, Arizona
Puebla (2/19/2013) to (3/18/2013) Elder Knowlton from Springville, Utah
Atexcac (1/8/2013) to (2/18/2013) Elder Olvera from San. Luis Potosi, Mexico
Atexcac (10/16/2012) to (1/7/2013) Elder Tinoco from Dorango, Mexico
MTC (8/15/2012) to (10/15/2012) Elder Astle from Northern California
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