How is everybody doing?! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD! Man it's such a rip-off that they don't let us call the dads on father's day huh? I was really happy to hear that you had a great day though. Sounds like you got spoiled just like it should be. Before I forget, thanks for the great advice with becoming a DL and everything. I appreciate it dad. I can't believe you played two rounds for 28 bucks dad! That's a sweet deal, but I guess it's because of how hot it is right now there. That ski boat sounds pretty sweet too. I'm glad you have a good time dad. Mom, I'll answer some of you questions that you had. I have 4 other Elders in my district, so there is 6 of us in total. The assistants are actually in my district, so I have the right to call them whenever I want to haha. Elder Villa is the new Elder that came from Atexcac actually. We were together there and in the same district there too. You also asked about sister missionaries here in Mexico. There are actually quite a few sisters here. All of them are either natives from mexico, or from central american like the Dominican Republic. President Reeves has told us that American Sisters are going to be arriving in the near future though. Pretty interesting huh? That's really cool to hear about President Toone becoming a mission president. Those Elders down in Arizona are going to get a great mission president that´s for sure. Well tell Kaylee good luck on the range tests!
We had a pretty good week here in our area. We weren't able to do much on Monday night, on Tuesday we had that meeting all morning and afternoon that took much of the day, then we had a zone meeting on Wednesday. So, even though we didn't have as much time compared to other weeks, we still had a lot of great things happen. We received 4 new investigators, two of which seem pretty like they will be good investigators. On Wednesday night we had something awesome happen. That great family that we've been working with (Beltrán Leon) made a pretty big step. The father Jesus wasn't very supportive with the daughter Jessil and the mother Silvia going to church so much. They would be baptized, but it is tough when the father isn't progressing the same. On Wednesday the father began to cry during his prayer, and after he gave his daughter and wife his support and permission to be baptized it they want to. Wow! It was a miracle! The Lord softened that man's heart I have no doubt. They still have doubts, so right now we are just trying to stay strong with them, and keep them going for baptism. We saw and taught a bunch of others, but I don't have time to tell you all. We finally saw Amado though after a month! He came to church too! That was great.
Well I hope you guys continue to enjoy your summer. Dad keep with that golf swing. You're gonna have to practice a lot, because when I get home I'll have a two-year purification to my swing. haha ya right I'll probably "whiff" it. I love you family. Thanks for everything. I'm nothing without your love and support. I constantly pray for your well-being and success. I really miss each and every one of you, but I find strength in my calling and what I'm doing out here in Puebla. I feel honored to be here serving and helping others come unto Christ the Lord. I've been reading lately in the conference Ensign all the talks from conference. You should take the time to reveiw the great things that prophets and apostles have told us. It's from the Lord. Keep it up! I'll talk to you guys next week! Abrazos (hugs)
Con Amor,
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