Hey Family!!
It is so good to finally get to write you an e mail. I'm sorry again about last week I was frustrated I didn't even get to e mail anyone....luckily I did get a chance to read your e mails but I didn't have time to write you back. Awe man how are you guys?? It was so great to read your e mails and to hear everyone is doing fine. Even though I'm so incredibly busy as a missionary and I have so much on my mind I always think of you guys. I love my family so much and you seriously mean everything to me. As for me I'm doing so great and seriously just loving every single second of my mission. I truly know I am a servant of the Lord and this is His work and no one else's. I can literally feel the Savior and our Heavenly Father rescue their children through me. It is just a wonderful feeling.
Wow seriously so many things have happened since the last time I wrote you. Well the week I never wrote about (two weeks ago) was Elder Christensen's last week on his mission. (he was our zone leader) He has taught me a lot about being a missionary and I really liked him. It was sad to see him go but I know he is now back with his loving family. Elder Faka'i and I worked really hard that week. We had a lot of lessons and just had seen a lot of spiritual experiences. We talked to everyone we saw just crying repentance and sharing this message of the restored gospel with everyone. I don't think I've ever worked so hard on my mission. We are qualifying for the spirit and the Lord is leading us to his prepared children. It is just incredible what Heavenly Father does to lead us to his children. I had so many experiences where the Holy Ghost lead me exactly where to go. I wish I had time just to let you guys know all the miracles I see on a mission. I experience so much of Gods love for his children and see miraculous things only performed by Gods hand. One was last Saturday we were just riding our bikes and then all of a sudden a girl just yelled "hey have a nice day!" I got prompted to stop and talk to her. So I stopped right away and my companion crashed into the back of me (on his bike) It wasn't very hard it was funny. Then we walked over and asked her if we could teach her the message of the Restoration. She said yes and to come back tomorrow. So last Sunday we went and truly witnessed a miracle. Long story short we were testifying that God lives and that she was a daughter of God and the spirit flooded the room. She just began to cry and was so happy and said we were an answer to her prayers. She had been praying that morning and that's when we rode past her house. She told us she knows the church is true and feels the Holy Ghost so strong when we teach her. Her friend also is doing amazing. There names are Kylie and Jessica. They came to church and I think we are going to set them for baptism.
This week we've found some new investigators that are just prepared by God. They are doing awesome, keeping commitments, and changing their lives. Its a priceless experience to watch someone change their life, repent, and follow Gods commandments. Awe my faith is just increasing everyday. I love this gospel with all my heart and soul and I know with out a shadow of a doubt this church is Gods church. I know it and no one can take that knowledge from me. I've received so many answers to my prayers lately....Heavenly Father is just blessing me so much and I know its a lot because of people like my family at home praying for me.
Well you are going to be shocked but last Wed Elder Faka'i got a call from the APs and they said he was getting transferred to another area. So I was only with him for one transfer (well not even a full transfer). They told him he was going to Hamilton. So I was wondering what was going to happen with me. Then finally early Thursday morning President Porter called me and told me I WAS TRAINING A BRAND NEW MISSIONARY!! I was surprised and he said he knows the Lord has prepared me to train a missionary. He said I was staying here in Rotorua but would go to Auckland for transfers to get my new companion. So on Thursday Elder Faka'i, Elder Jenkins, and I drove up to Auckland. It was sad to say goodbye to Elder Faka'i. I really did like him a lot, we taught great together, we were exactly obedient, and he taught me so much. I'm going to miss him a lot. We worked really hard together. Well at transfers it was great to see my old companions. I saw Elder Sessions, Elder Belnap, and a lot of other missionaries. Well then I met my new greeny companion (greeny just means brand new) His name is Elder 'Afa! He is from Tonga TOO!! So now I've had 4 Tongan companions!! He is a lot different from Elder Faka'i though. He is very small and short. He is really quite and shy and is really nice. His English isn't very good so sometimes we have a little language barrier but not too bad. Aw it was great to meet him and show him around everywhere. I cant believe I'm training him to be a missionary. He just came from the MTC, but seriously guys I love him so much. He is an incredible person. He is SO humble, nice, Christ-like, loving, and just a great missionary. He does so much for me...he is always looking for ways to serve me and do things for me. I'm trying my hardest to serve him back in every way and be the best trainer for him. Wow and guess what?! HE IS A RECENT CONVERT TO THE CHURCH-ONLY ONE YEAR!!! He just barley got baptized one year ago in Tonga and is now already on a mission!! Seriously his testimony is so strong and his faith is like a rock. It makes me feel the spirit so strong and everything and he shares his conversion story with our investigators. He is 23 years old and has a small family. Only his parents, him and his sister. His family is still Catholic and I guess were angry when he joined the church but now they are very happy for him. He is just a humble person and is grateful for everything. He also loves Heavenly Father with all his heart.....he shared an experience with me. In Tonga his family is very poor...they hardly have anything. His house was flooded and he lost a lot of stuff. But he knows Heavenly Father loves him and his family. I cant even describe how grateful I am that God has sent him to be my companion. I've already learned so much from him. During my mission I have learned to appreciate what I have alot more. We are truly so blessed and I cant even describe how grateful I am to Heavenly Father for all my blessings. Aww I just love my life and most of all I'm grateful for our savior Jesus Christ and his gospel in my life.
Well training a new missionary is wonderful but also stressful at times. I just want to make sure I do everything exactly right, because they watch everything you do and they do it also. But I know the Lord is helping me. Everything is going great so far. Friday we witnessed two incredible miracles. GUESS WHAT?! we set Lydia and Gerold for baptism!! Wow the experience was just awesome. They are getting baptized on October 16!! Also guess what I forgot to tell you on Thursday Doogie passed his interview for baptism by the stake president. So YUP DOOGIE WAS BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY and then CONFIRMED A MEMBER ON SUNDAY!!! It was my first baptism where I had to plan everything!! It was kinda stressful but it went very good. The program was just amazing and the spirit was very strong. And I was the one that baptized Doogie. Awww it was another life changing experience. I loved it. He was so happy to have his sins washed away. He truly has changed his life completely and its a miracle to see where he is now. Yesterday in church I confirmed him a member and gave him the Holy Ghost. That also was a sacred experience. The spirit literally lead me to exactly what to say. A thing that touched my heart was after he received the Holy Ghost (when sacrament meeting was still going) I looked over and he had teary eyes and I asked him if he felt the spirit more now and he said yes....awwww experiences like this and all that I've had these past two weeks is what makes doing the Lords work the best two years of your life!!!
Well I've already written a lot and now the other elders are getting ready to leave. So I gotta go. Sorry if I missed any ?s. Anyways I love you all with all my heart. Thanks for everything you do for me. Your all the best. Have a great week. Tell everyone I love them.
Love Elder Kitchen
Happy heart day
We love you too!
Monday, September 27, 2010
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Elder Kitchens companions
Tehuacan (5/14/2014) to (8/6/2014) Elder Conrad from Draper, Utah
Nealtican (4/2/2014) to (5/14/2014) Elder Christensen from Denver, Colorado
Nealtican (2/19/2014) to (4/2/2014) Elder Sanchez from Chiapas, Mexico
Puebla (1/8/2014) to (2/19/2014) Elder Dzul from Cancun, Mexico
Puebla (10/15/2013) to (1/8/2014) Elder Betts from Mexi-Cali Baja California, Mexico
Atlixco (7/23/2013) to (10/14/2013) Elder Ortega from Nayarit, Mexico
Puebla (3/19/2013) to (7/22/2013) Elder Burden from Snowflake, Arizona
Puebla (2/19/2013) to (3/18/2013) Elder Knowlton from Springville, Utah
Atexcac (1/8/2013) to (2/18/2013) Elder Olvera from San. Luis Potosi, Mexico
Atexcac (10/16/2012) to (1/7/2013) Elder Tinoco from Dorango, Mexico
MTC (8/15/2012) to (10/15/2012) Elder Astle from Northern California
Nealtican (4/2/2014) to (5/14/2014) Elder Christensen from Denver, Colorado
Nealtican (2/19/2014) to (4/2/2014) Elder Sanchez from Chiapas, Mexico
Puebla (1/8/2014) to (2/19/2014) Elder Dzul from Cancun, Mexico
Puebla (10/15/2013) to (1/8/2014) Elder Betts from Mexi-Cali Baja California, Mexico
Atlixco (7/23/2013) to (10/14/2013) Elder Ortega from Nayarit, Mexico
Puebla (3/19/2013) to (7/22/2013) Elder Burden from Snowflake, Arizona
Puebla (2/19/2013) to (3/18/2013) Elder Knowlton from Springville, Utah
Atexcac (1/8/2013) to (2/18/2013) Elder Olvera from San. Luis Potosi, Mexico
Atexcac (10/16/2012) to (1/7/2013) Elder Tinoco from Dorango, Mexico
MTC (8/15/2012) to (10/15/2012) Elder Astle from Northern California
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